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How To Get Heel Spur Pain Relief With A Findlay Foot Surgery Procedure

Heel spurs are common among runners, joggers and athletes. These bony spikes of calcium form on the underside of the heel bone and press into the surrounding tissue. In severe cases, they can be a source of chronic, debilitating pain. A Findlay foot surgery procedure can completely remove the spur to relieve pain and restore mobility.

Spurs develop gradually due to excess stress on the heel. As the calcaneal bone thickens in response to pressure, it forms a projection that extends forward by up to half an inch. This calcium deposit can dig into the soft tissues, producing pain and inflammation.

The pain caused by a heel spur is most intense after a long period of inactivity. It is often compared to the feeling of a knife stabbing into the bottom of the foot. The discomfort is aggravated by walking on hard surfaces, carrying heavy objects or climbing stairs. Patients may limp to avoid putting weight on the heel.

If caught in the early stages, a heel spur can often be addressed with conservative methods. Orthotic devices such as heel cups, arch supports or insoles relieve pressure. Anti-inflammatory medications and steroid injections reduce pain and swelling. If symptoms persist for a period of nine months or more, surgery may be recommended as a last resort.

The heel spur can be removed using a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure. During the operation, two small slits are made in the skin. A tiny camera is inserted which allows the surgeon to view the calcaneal bone as he manipulates miniature instruments to detach the protrusion of calcium.

Patients suffering from chronic heel pain should discuss the risks and benefits of Findlay foot surgery with their podiatrist. Medical tests and x-rays are required to identify optimal candidates for bone spur removal. While the endoscopic procedure is generally successful at reducing pain, but can result in complications.

Find a review of the benefits you get when you undergo Findlay foot surgery and more information about an experienced podiatrist at http://www.vailfoot.com now.

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